C-AS APR2016 Meeting Minutes

St. Patrick's Altar Society


April 2016 Meeting Minutes                                        Attendance: 20 members

            St. Patrick's Altar Society April meeting opened with a prayer to Mary. Lily Sundermeier from Huskers for Life, a Pro-Life outreach for the Newman Center, presented the activities that her group are involved in and shared some stories of their experiences in the Pro-Life movement. The minutes from the March meeting were read and approved. The only correspondence was a thank-you from Mary Ann O. for the service provided by some of the members during the Legion of Mary event held at St. Patrick's. The Treasurer's report for March was distributed and approved. A motion was made and approved to donate $250 to Spirit Catholic Radio during their Spring Care-a-thon.

                Fr. Schweiger shared with the members that the assignments for the priests had been announced and that he and Fr. Morris would stay at St. Pat's for another year. Father also gave an update on the trim work in the new church.

                The only Commission Report was from Debbie W. on Legislative activities. She stated that the season is almost over and there were no movements on the bills that she had been watching. A count of 3570 Best Choice labels was shared with the group. Jeanne V. reported that the annual dues received so far this year were slightly above last year's receipts.

                The group discussed options for the May meeting, which traditionally has been a Mother-Daughter banquet. The members decided to have a potluck dinner for the May meeting, and to meet in the church at 6:30 p.m. to recite the Rosary prior to the potluck dinner.

                Melissa B. communicated that we would sell carnations at the Sunday Masses on Mother's Day with the proceeds going to Birthright. A sign-up sheet will be routed at the May meeting. Melissa also asked all the ladies to prayerfully consider chairing the Garage Sale fundraiser. Pat W. volunteered to chair the event and would appreciate others coming forward to assist with the huge event.