C-AS JUN2015 Meeting Minutes

St. Patrick's Altar Society


June 2015 Meeting Minutes                                        Attendance: 24 members

            June's St. Patrick's Altar Society meeting opened with a prayer. Then Chris Raun, Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Lincoln, spoke about the Catholic Foundation. He shared with the members that he feels there are many parishioners that are not aware of the foundation, or what the foundation can do to assist parishioners with their charitable giving. So he feels great joy in helping others become aware of how the Foundation can assist our Diocese and its parishioners. The minutes from May were approved as read. The only correspondence was a thank you from Pius X High School thanking the members for their continued support of an alcohol and drug-free post-prom party. The Treasurer's May report was distributed to the members and approved.

                Betty Z. notified the members that the Altar Linen materials had been purchased for approximately $150. She plans to sew 2 everyday linens and 1 special occasion linen. Betty brought in a few samples of the materials for the ladies to see. A count of 3,213 Best Choice labels was shared with the group. The countertop committee reported their findings on their countertop selection. They had narrowed their selection and provided an estimate of $2545 - $3695. A motion was made and approved to set aside money for the sacristy countertop now and to fundraise the money for the social hall since the hall will be finished after the dedication but the sacristy needs to be completed prior to the dedication.

                Several opportunities for providing treats and beverages, setting up tables and chairs, serving refreshments, etc... were presented to the members due to Fr. Kipper's reception, the Totus Tuus potluck, and Fr. Morris' reception. The Altar Society is in charge of the potluck for the consecration of the new church building as well. Sign-ups for the various activities for that potluck will be distributed during the Society's August meeting.

                Father notified the members that they should be able to move their items from storage to the new church building at the end of July. Diane N. will contact members in July for assistance moving all the items the group has in storage. Diane N. asked the members for ideas on fundraising. Betty Z. notified the group that she will donate another quilt and that the group should raffle it in October and November like last time. Starting Trivia Night again once the social hall is completed was another suggestion.