C-AS MAY2015 Meeting Minutes

St. Patrick's Altar Society


May 2015 Meeting Minutes                                        Attendance: 24 members

            May's St. Patrick's Altar Society meeting opened with the members praying the rosary together in the chapel. Then the members gathered in the gym and the minutes from April were read and approved. The Treasurer's April report was distributed to the members and approved. The society did not receive any correspondence to share with the group.

                For the Legislative Commission, Debbie W. again gave updates on current bills that she has been tracking and had reading materials for those interested.

                Betty Z. notified the group that no progress had been made on the altar linens since they are still awaiting the altar slab to make a template before sewing the linens. A count of 2,600 Best Choice labels was shared with the group. The countertop committee brought a couple of samples, shared what they have learned from searching for the countertops, and asked the members to provide direction on their next steps. A discussion was held and several recommendations were made. A motion was made and approved for the committee to take the church color board and come back to the group with a few options in a couple of price ranges. Diane N confirmed that the Society would be selling carnations after Masses on Mother's Day and asked for a couple of more volunteers. All proceeds will be given to BirthRight. Diane also notified the group that the Knights and the Home & School agreed to pay their share of the cost to refurbish the cross for the sacristy.

                Father announced that parishioners would be able to tour the church building after Masses this coming weekend and he encouraged everyone to attend. He also asked everyone to consider helping with upholstering the kneelers or with the sanding of the remaining woodwork. Father also mentioned that it might be a good idea to have one Sam's card for the parish instead of each group/committee having their own. The card for the Society is paid up until October so the group should reconsider the option then.

                Diane asked the group for suggestions for a farewell for Fr. Kipper and a welcome event for our new assistant in June. The members thought a coffee and rolls for Fr. Kipper in the Atrium and a potluck for the new assistant in late June or early July would be nice. A decision on both events will be made during June's meeting. The parish is filling a time capsule with items from each of the multiple groups that make up our parish. Father asked if the Society had any ideas for an item that captures the essence of the Altar Society. A St. Monica medal and the Divine Mercy Chaplet were recommended. Members were asked to notify Diane in the next couple of weeks if they have any other ideas. The meeting finished with a prayer led by Father and then cookies and fellowship.