C-AS September2014 Meeting Minutes

St. Patrick’s Altar Society

September 2014 Meeting Minutes                                                                           Attendance: 25 members


     The St. Patrick’s Altar Society September meeting was held in the rectory basement. Father Schweiger started the meeting with leading the members in a prayer. The minutes from August were approved as read. And the Treasurer’s report was distributed to the members and approved.

                Father provided an update on the status of the altar and the ambo for our new church and passed around a photo of both. He notified the members of the need to empty the school basement in 3 weeks to allow the construction of the church to continue. And he requested that the members forward any information on possible storage areas for the items to be stored during construction. He also shared with the group that it looks like February 1st will probably be our last Mass in our current church building.

For the Family Affairs Commission, Diane N. announced that the group will hold the diaper drive in October like last year. For the Organizational Commission, Eileen recommended that the members visit the LDCCW website for the new Commission Reports structure. She suggested that each Commission have at least 2 sponsors and that we have a Mass intention for the women of the parish on October 26th.

The members reviewed the remaining inventoried items from the church basement and determined which items to keep, sell or give to Gianna’s House. All the items need to be cleaned and packed accordingly. If the date works for the use of the kitchen dishwasher, all the members were asked to help on September 20.

The Craft Fair will be held on October 11th and the Society will have a bake sale. Sign-up sheets for workers were passed around. The current Best Choice label count of 3365 was shared with the members and it was requested that we continue to have an article in the bulletin regarding the saving of Best Choice labels.

A discussion was held on the plans for the 2 quilts that Betty Z. had donated. Jeannie V. volunteered to handle the raffle for the large quilt and the smaller quilt will be the Society’s donation for the STARS event.

Father notified the members that our parish, church and school, has a new website, stpatricklincoln.com. It is his hope that the parish family will visit the website to get all their information on parish events. Kathy K will be trained to update the Altar Society page in early October and it will be her responsibility to keep it updated.

The meeting ended with a prayer led by Father and then some delicious desserts.