January 15, 2016 Newsletter


Dear Parents,

We are beginning to get ready for Catholic Schools Week. Please be sure to put on your calendar and plan to attend the Catholic Schools Week Celebration on Friday, February 5th from 5 to 7 pm. We will be having our soup supper at that same time as well as a cake decorating contest. We really want to celebrate our school and the families we have in it. We have a volunteer sign up list below if you would be willing to help us out during the event. 

Teachers are going to begin asking for a donation for the soup supper. These donations pay for the supplies for the soup that we make. I appreciate your help with this as it helps cut our costs down and helps in the fundraising efforts of our curriculum fund. The projected curriculum to be updated this year is the 3rd to 5th grade Science department. 

There is a student who has developed a nut allergy at school. Please see the note below about our new requirement for snacks and treats at school. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Leah Bethune


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