October 23, 2015 Newsletter

From the Principal’s Desk…

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for your help in our drop off and pick up change. The positive attitudes and support really help the transition go more smoothly. For those of you struggling with our transition, we ask for patience. The teachers are trying to keep all students safe and make sure they are going home with the right people. We understand your frustration but ask for your respect and cooperation. Please continue to pull all the way forward when dropping off or picking up even if it means you are a little further away from your child. They will come to you.

We cannot have anyone parking on the side streets of the traffic flow or in front of the north side of school. You will need to pull in the pickup lane or park and get out and come get your children. You are welcome to park on the south side of the church and in the parking lot of the church across the street from the rectory. We know it will take time to get through the kinks and we appreciate your help! Your child’s safety is our top priority.

Red Ribbon week is this coming week. We sent a notice home today highlighting the events of the week and also included that calendar below. There will be a banner hanging outside the school and ribbons tied all around it by the students. The students can wear red shirts and jeans on Thursday and SPIRIT day attire on Friday. It will be a fun week filled with lots of memorable events.

The rectory staff will be gone until November 10th. They will not be sending updated bills during that time and the office will not be able to know your updated costs until they return. We are happy to continue to take payments while they are away.

A huge THANK YOU to all those who helped with Spookgetti! It was a huge success with a profit of almost $800. We are blessed!

Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Leah Bethune

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