September 18, 2015 Newsletter

From the Principal’s Desk…

Dear Parents,

Parent Teacher conferences are quickly approaching. I know they seem earlier this year and they are. The reason for that is having conferences after the 1st quarter was over was not allowing for time for students to work on their grades after conferences. Having them mid-quarter allows time for students to improve on their skills after having their parents meet with the teacher(s). Parent teacher conferences are mandatory and therefore if you have not signed up for a time by Monday, September 21st, a time will be assigned to you. You can sign up using the link emailed to you or shown below. Thank you for your help in picking a time that works with your schedule.

The book fair will be going on during conferences and will run until the 30th of September. Please be sure to stop by and do some early Christmas shopping or birthday shopping. The teachers will have a wish list available for you to purchase something for them as well. All of the money raised at the book fair goes directly into our library selection!

We have our first home volleyball game on Tuesday. There is a need for workers. If you are able and interested please see the link below to sign up or call the office. The team is off to a great start by winning their first game this week. They did a great job working as a team! Go Shamrocks

We have been practicing our safety since school started in the ways of evacuating and taking shelter. On Thursday, we had our 4th fire drill for the year. The students do a great job with following directions and learning the procedures at school. Enjoy the pictures of this event.

Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Leah Bethune


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