C-AS AUG2017 Meeting Minutes

St. Patrick's Altar Society


August 2017 Meeting Minutes                                        Attendance: 26 members

                St. Patrick's Altar Society meeting for August opened with the Hail Mary prayer. The minutes from the June meeting were approved as read. The Society did not hold a meeting in July, as usual, so there were no minutes for July. There were several correspondence items -the Gianna’s Home Spring newsletter, a request for a donation from Catholic Social Services, thank-you notes from Birthright and Spirit Radio, and a letter from a woman requesting information on the garage sale. Jeanne V. notified the woman that the Society was not having a garage sale this year. The Treasurer’s reports for June and July 2017 were approved.

                Fr. Schweiger shared with the group that the school doors were going to be replaced soon, that the work on the social hall cabinets was moving along, and that they were very close to being able to move into the St. Vincent de Paul garage. He also shared that the parish ended the year in the black, and he strongly encouraged the ladies to join the Adoration Program.

No Commission Report on Family Affairs or Legislative this month. For the Organizational, Eileen W. stated that the Legion of Mary has a booth at the county fair and has a few openings for volunteers. And she notified the group that there is another opportunity for a fund raiser at the Farm and Ranch Show at the Event Center December 5, 6 and 7. Eileen also mentioned that there are other opportunities at the Center if people are interested. Melissa said that she would send out an email notifying other women of the parish of these opportunities. It was also mentioned that people are using matches instead of the lighters for the devotional candles. The matches are leaving burn marks on the wood and is a fire hazard. It was suggested that an article be posted in the bulletin to notify everyone in the parish about this hazard. Mary M. notified the ladies that the church received a large donation of flowers from the family of Alyce Schroeder after her passing. In appreciation, a Mass is being said for the repose of her soul in September.

Both receptions, Fr. Morris’ farewell and Fr. Salisbury’s welcome, went well. Melissa thanked everyone that helped and stated that everyone she spoke to liked the Spiritual Bouquet concept. Thanks Jan! Melissa stated that the Society still needs 2 leaders for the Church Cleaning and that she is looking for a couple more volunteers to lead the Funeral Dinners. Two ladies have come forward, but she would like to have a couple more. And Mary D. announced that the Adoration Program is going well, but there are still some empty slots.

Mary Ann O. shared that 4340 Best Choice labels have been turned in. Melissa told the group that she thought we had enough volunteers from the Society for the Start of the School Year potluck and carnival. The status of the restoration of the Risen Christ statue was brought up at the last meeting. It was confirmed that Eileen Ratigan, the same artist that restored the other 3 statues, took the statue when she was at the church months ago, but the Society has not received a bid for the restoration work yet. At the Society’s last meeting, the topic of committing to hosting the Annual DDP Dinner every year was tabled for the August meeting. When this item was brought forward, Father announced that the leadership of the Dinner has changed and there is no longer a request to commit to hosting indefinitely. The meeting ended with a prayer and dessert.