February 12, 2016 Newsletter

From the Principal’s Desk…

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for all of your support during Catholic Schools Week. We are so blessed with our wonderful families and community we have here at St. Patrick’s. The turn out to the Soup Supper Celebration was outstanding and the parish presence was a welcome addition.

The parent teacher conference sign up email went home yesterday. Please be sure to sign up for your times as they are first come, first serve. If you have any trouble getting the sign up to work, please call the office and we would be happy to help you get that done.

Thank you for all of those who joined us this past week to celebrate with us at school. We are looking forward to more community events coming up including all the fish frys that are beginning tonight! Please help us out and bring desserts for the events if you can or come and cut and serve them. The sign up is below with the HSA volunteer portion. People are still needed for the girls basketball games as well.

Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Leah Bethune


Parent Teacher Conference Links: PreK to 5th Grade    6th-8th Grade


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