January 29, 2016 Newsletter

Dear Parents,

We are STILL looking for volunteers for Catholic Schools Week. We have two opportunities available and could use your help. The staff luncheon is on Friday, February 5th from 11:30am to 12:30pm for grades 1, 4, 6and 7. We need volunteers to sit with these classes and help them eat lunch while the teachers all enjoy a catered meal from the Home and School Association. This is a great way to honor the staff and teachers for all of their hard work and we need your help to make it happen. There is a sign up below under the volunteer opportunities.

Also, that night we will have our Catholic Schools Week celebration Soup Supper. We have a help wanted ad below with a sign up if you are interested in helping out on that night. Thank you for your support with these exciting events. There is a list of activities for Catholic Schools Week. Please take a look and help us celebrate this amazing week by participating in whatever way you can. The students enjoy this week and the staff do as well. Please let us know if you have any questions!

We are excited to see all the parents and grandparents at lunch on Wednesday! Please join us throughout the week!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Leah Bethune


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