September 11, 2015 Newsletter

From the Principal’s Desk…

Dear Parents,

School pictures will be taken this Wednesday. I have listed the dress code below. Please take time to read it and let me know if you have any questions. It is always so fun to see them all dressed up!

An email went out yesterday with the parent teacher conference information in it. Please take the time to go to the links and sign up for the times you would like to have. For junior high parents, please sign up to see all three teachers. If you are having any problems with the site, please feel free to call the school and we will help get you signed up.

Girl’s volleyball starts this coming week with their first game. Please consider supporting this wonderful team of our students and come watch them play. We will have a pep rally for the team on October 6th at 2:30pm. This will also be a SPIRIT DAY and students may wear jeans with at St. Patrick’s or green shirt.

The first quarter is half way over next Friday. Students in grades 4 through 8 will receive midterms that they will take home with them on Friday that will need to be signed and returned. This will give you a good indication of where your child is currently in the 1st quarter. These grades do not go in their permanent record till the report card grade is given at the end of the quarter (October 29th).

Thank you for your commitment to our child(ren)’s education and for being part of our school. I enjoy each and every day I get to spend using the skills God has given me here at St. Patrick’s.

Sincerely in Christ,

Mrs. Leah Bethune

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