C-AS AUG2016 Meeting Minutes

St. Patrick's Altar Society


August 2016 Meeting Minutes                                        Attendance: 20 members

            St. Patrick's Altar Society August meeting opened with a prayer. The minutes from the June meeting were read and approved. A thank you note from Jason Doher and a thank you note from the Venhaus family were read to the members. Kathy K. shared some of her experiences from her recent visit to Rome. The Treasurer's reports for June and July were distributed and approved. A motion was made and approved to donate $200 to the Funds for Nuns.

                Fr. Schweiger gave an update on the construction and highly recommended that all the ladies attend the Parish Mission in October.

                A motion was made and approved to purchase 2 sets of round tables with chairs for the social hall at a cost of approximately $2400. A count of 6852 Best Choice labels was shared with the group. A request was made to set up a collection area for used prescription glasses. Melissa B. volunteered to bring in a basket to set in the narthex.

                A couple from the Parish Stewardship Team attended the meeting and described the purpose of this new team and asked members about the Altar Society's duties to get a better understanding of the Society's role in the parish family.

                Father mentioned that the parish needs a couple of people to be Wedding Coordinators / Hosts to assist the bride and her family during weddings at the church and asked everyone to prayerfully consider volunteering. The decision for the gift for Deacon Jason Doher has been postponed until the next meeting so that Mary can get a better idea of what he needs. And it was decided that the Society would donate 10% of the proceeds from the garage sale to the parish as per customary.