C-AS August Meeting Minutes

St. Patrick’s Altar Society

August 2014 Meeting Minutes                                                                                     Attendance: 24 members


     The St. Patrick’s Altar Society August meeting was held in the rectory basement. Deacon Shanaka led the members in a prayer and then gave a presentation on his home country of Sri Lanka. The minutes from June were approved as read. A thank you card from Sr. Carol and a thank you card from Birthright were shared with the members. The Treasurer’s report was distributed to the members and approved.

                Mary Jo provided an update on the construction of the new church. There were no updates from any of the commissions. The current Best Choice label count of 3320 was shared with the members. The members were notified that they would have a table at the Craft fair in October. The plan is to sell baked goods and to sell some of the dishes from the old church basement that will not be needed in the new church. Diane N. went over a few of the inventoried items from the church basement and members determined which items to keep and which ones to sell.

                Diane N. asked the group if they liked the LDCCW newsletter she had sent to them. The members confirmed that they would like to receive the newsletter each month. Betty Z. informed the group that there are actually 2 quilts being quilted and requested help getting the raffle together. The STARS auction was mentioned and suggested that the members start thinking about how much the group should donate. Last year they donated $200. A member recommended that everyone support Gianna House by going to their Fish Fry’s every first Friday of the month.