C-AS June2014 Meeting Minutes

St. Patrick’s Altar Society


June 2014 Meeting Minutes                                                                         Attendance: 18 members

     The St. Patrick’s Altar Society June meeting was held in the church basement. Our guest, Deacon Shanaka, introduced himself and led the group in a prayer. The May Treasurer report was approved as read. And the May minutes were approved as read. Mary Jo provided an update on the church construction. There were no Commission Reports given.

     Old Business was discussed. It was shared that the Carnation Sales went well and the current balance of Best Choice is at 2769 labels. The Rectory cleaning scheduled for June 14 was mentioned and all members were invited to help. Members were also asked to support the celebrations for Fr. Marneni after each Mass on Sunday, June 15. And to thank Fr. Marneni for his service to our parish, a motion was made and approved to give him $100.

     A couple of items were brought up for new business. A request was made for the group to purchase a new mat for the entrance to the church. The previous mat is missing. It was suggested that we ask to use one of the mats from the festival group. And the possibility of supplying baked goods for the firework sale workers was brought up. It was decided that the 16+ shifts would be too much to cover. Plus it will be very hot and there may be a lot of flies to contend with.

     Betty Z volunteered to create a quilt as a possible fundraiser. She would donate her time and the supplies, but the group would need to pay for the machine quilting, which would run approximately $90 - $150. The last time a quilt was raffled it made about $800. The group voted to move forward on Betty’s generous offer.

     Deacon Shanaka led the group in a prayer so he could attend to other things while the members worked on inventorying the items in the church kitchen.